sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012

Færøysk fuglesang og kjente sanger fra Vamp

av Sigfrid Kvasjord

Vamp er slett ikke ukjent for publikum i Larvik, men torsdag var det første gangen vestlendingene sto på scenen i Bølgen. Og det foran en smekkfull storsal.

Billettene til torsdagens konsert med Vamp ble raskt utsolgt og onsdag ble det bestemt å åpne orkestergraven for å kunne selge enda noen ekstra billetter. At Vamp er et bekjentskap larviksfolket vet å sette pris på hersker det liten tvil om.

– Detter er første gangen vi er her i Bølgen. Vi har hørt mye bra om denne scenen her og jeg må si det ser lovende ut, sa Øyvind Staveland etter at bandet hadde spilt to av sine nye sanger.

Vamp turnerer for tiden med sanger fra sin CD nummer 13. Den ble spilt inn på Færøyene i vår.

– Og grunnen til at vi valgte Færøyene, ja hun har vi med oss på scenen i kveld. Hun blir kalt for Færøyenes nasjonalfugl, introduserte Øyvind Staveland.Etter fire sanger entret nettopp Færøyenes nasjonalfugl scenen.

Og et godt voksent publikum i storsalen fikk stifte bekjentskap med en svært spesiell sanger. Eivør Pálsdóttir. Barbeint, med en enkel tromme i hendene sang hun. Og publikum måpte. Med Vamps egne trommiser med på slutten av sangen, begeistret hun publikum.

Publikum dro selvsagt også kjensel på sangen som deler navn med den nylig utgitte plata, «Liten fuggel». Allerede på introen til sangen klappet de fremmøtte høylytt.

Med på scenen i Bølgen var Øyvind Staveland, Torbjørn Økland, Carl Øyvind Apeland, Odin Staveland, Paul Hansen, Eivør Pàlsdòttir, Torstein Lofthus.


Latínudeildin - Latin Faculty

Whereas Eivør is touring along with Vamp throughout Norway, a compilation entitled Latínudeildin (which can be roughly translated to English as "Latin Faculty") was released on past November 10th in Iceland. It is a double album with 32 tracks, including one in Portuguese (!) and Eivør contributes with two songs entitled "Sól á dimmum vetri" and "Enduring Love". The album can be ordered in a digital format HERE. You can also listen to some excerpts of the songs on the very same website.

terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2012

Video: Far Away Recorded live September 2012

Please subscribe to Eivør's Official Channel on youtube! CLICK HERE!

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Video: True Love

Thanks to AlruneRod2811 for sharing!

New Album is out now!

Eivør's newest album "Room", her eighth studio album is out now in Iceland and Faroe Islands! If you leave abroad, you can purchase the album on TUTL.

Room will be released on Denmark on September 17 as well as on iTunes. Her "Room", a slight different work when compared to her previous album Larva which presented us a more eletronic and plugged album, Room is a return to Eivør's earlier work due to its more unplugged appeal and in a more intimate way,presented in 10 songs in English, taking "Larva" to its next stage of a cocoon.

According to her Official Website on Room "we get closer to Eivør than ever before. The songs are inspired by her childhood, love, upheaval and the empty space left in our hearts when we loose a beloved one. Several of the songs were written just over a year ago when Eivør suddenly and unexpectedly lost her father, and this has left its mark on her music. A deep sense of loss characterizes the songs, but at the same time the songs are also full of hope, light and acceptance. The album is produced by Eivør and her husband Tróndur Bogason. Together they have managed to join elements from her earlier more folky albums with the more electronic universe, which was part of Larva, into a new unique sound. The result is a piece of work which has been well worked through and is permeated by soul and personality".

The photoshoot for the album artwork is by Heiðrik á Heygum and it was shot in a private room in Copenhagen some months ago.

Along with the newest release Eivør will be playing some concerts in Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Faroe Islands, where she will focus mainly on showcasing her new songs.

Tourdates All tour dates for Aug/Sep.


18 Aug. Menningarnótt/Reykjavík (solo)

24 Aug. Geiran/Sauðakrókur (trio)

25 Aug. Græni hatturin/Akureyri (trio)

26 Aug. Græni hatturin/Akureyri (trio)

28 Aug. Sjóræningahúsið/Patriksfjørður (trio)

31 Aug. Harpa(Silfurberg)/Reykjavík (full band release concert)


06 Sep. Grabenhalle/Unterer Graben 17,St. Gallen (duo)

07 Sep. Bierhalle/Hauptstrasse 42, Balgach (duo)

08 Sep. Musik Hug/St. Gallen (duo)

08 Sep. Kulturhaus Rose/Stein (AR) (duo)

Faroe Islands:

13 Sep. Tøting/Gøta (full band release concert)

15 Sep. Nordic House/Tórshavn (full band release concert)


28 Sep. Industrien/Aarup (full band release concert)

29 Sep. Århus Musikhus/Århus (full band release concert)

30 Sep. DR Musikhus/Copenhagen (full band release concert)

updated, check it out!

sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

New Picture!

by Heiðrik Á Heygum

Via: Eivør's Page on Facebook.

Eivør Pálsdóttir í Popplandi

On June 20th, Eivør Pálsdóttir was interviewed and performed a new song of hers entitled "Rain" on an Icelandic Radio Program. She talked about her new album to being released in Autumn this very year, her North American Tour in The USA and Canada along with Mikael Blak, her expectations on her concert with Yggdrasil in Iceland and you can also listen to Undo Your Mind (studio version) in the end of it. It's a very interesting interview in Icelandic (unfortunately there are no subtitles for it). You can listen to the entire interview by clicking HERE.


Videos: Undo Your Mind & My True Love is With Me live @ Danish American Centre, Minneapolis, MN

Undo your mind

My True Lover is With Me

Thanks to HelenSilts for sharing!

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Eivør Pálsdóttir - Eg veit: live on U2-360° og íslenskt tónlistarsumar

On June 27th, an Icelandic Radio Program brodcasted the studio version of Eivør's Eg vet which will be featured in her forthcoming studio album. You can listen to this song as well as the entire program HERE


Bubbi - Óskin

Eivör Pálsdóttir - Ég veit

Biggi Hilmars - Now Is The Time

Elíza Newman – Stjörnuryk

Júpíters & Jensen - Þokkagyðja

200.000 naglbítar - Í mararskauti mjúku

Múgsefjun - Fékkst ekki nóg

SSSól og John Grant - Finish On Top

Kiriyama Family - Weekends

Tilbury - Tenderloin

Shiny Darkly - He's Suicidal (Danska lagið

Magnús og Jóhann - Sumir dagar

Magnús Þór og Jónas Sigurðsson - Ef ég gæti hugsana minna

Geoffrey Oryama - Makambo (Tónlist frá fjarlægum heimshluta


Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues

The Byrds - Feel A Whole Lot Better

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight

Moses Hightower - Stutt skref

Eberg - Long since i have felt this good

Myrra Rós - Kveldúlfur

Tónleikar kvöldsins - U2 í 360 gráður:











U2 - BAD

Sin Fang - Only Eyes

Lay Low - The Backbone


Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson - Sumargestur

The Lovely Lion - Into The Forest

Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson - Leyndarmál

Monterey - Don't Shoot

quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

VAMP og Eivør Pálsdóttir med konsert i Ulsteinvik

28. november er VAMP tilbake i Ulstein med ny konsert. Sist VAMP besøkte området vårt

heldt dei ein lydleg utekonsert på Flø, og eit stort og entusiastisk publikum fylte Fløstranda - og til dels - havområda utanfor!

Denne gongen vert konserten i Sjøborg kulturhus og dei har med seg Eivør Pàlsdòttir på vokal. Eivør Pàlsdòttir er frå Færøyane og er både vokalist og komponist. Hennar særeigne stemme og stil gjer at mange har omtalt henne som Den færøyske Bjørk.

Les meir om konserten på Billettane er lagt ut for sal, og kan kjøpast ved Servicetorget i Ulstein rådhus, i kinokiosken og på

Ved Servicetorget er det også høve til å reservere billettar. Kontakt oss på tlf 70 01 75 00, eller stikk gjerne innom oss ein tur!


quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012

Eclectic Eivør brings Faroe Islands culture to everything she does

By Alexander Varty, June 21, 2012

She’s unconstrained by stylistic boundaries, sings with crystalline purity, enjoys creative collaborations with performers from around the globe, and hails from a windswept island in the middle of the icy North Atlantic—but her name is not Björk.

Instead, we’re talking about Eivør Pálsdóttir, a musician who’s just on the cusp of being discovered in North America.

As with her Icelandic counterpart, it’s difficult and probably pointless to put a single label on what it is that she does. She’s a country-and-western troubadour who beats a shamanic drum. She’s an operatic soprano who has her own rock band, Clickhaze. She’s worked with beat-driven electronic musicians, and at her TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival appearance she’ll guest with the folk-jazz quintet Yggdrasil before performing a set of her own tunes. No matter what the context, though, she’s always strongly grounded in the music and the landscape of her homeland, the Faroe Islands.

“In the Faroes, the culture of singing is very strong, and people sing a lot,” she explains from Copenhagen. “When the fishermen go out to catch the fish, for instance, they have a song they sing on the way out. There are many songs for different occasions, and I think just automatically nature weaves into the sound of the music.”

Unsurprisingly, the artist known simply as Eivør feels a great affinity for the fiords and islands of Canada’s West Coast, and we’re probably going to be seeing more of her in future. Upcoming in 2013 is her starring role in part-time Victoria resident Gavin Bryars’s chamber opera Anyone can see I love you, based on the life of Marilyn Monroe. And this fall will see the release of her eighth solo effort, Room, which includes four songs cowritten with Bryars’s librettist, Vancouver Island poet Marilyn Bowering.

“I started writing the music when I was so unfortunate to lose my dear father, two years ago now,” the 28-year-old singer explains. “Most of the songs are about this empty room that you feel inside when something precious disappears from your life.

“I feel like I’ve found something very special, but I guess everybody says that,” she adds more cheerfully. “But in this record I really feel that I connected with something. My last record was more of a rock record, while my previous records have been closer to folk music. But this record is a link between my traditional folk stuff and my last album, and I think it’s a very important record to me.”


terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

More Videos from Russian Tour!

All Blue:

Far Away:

Hounds Of Love


Special thanks to Niagarko for sharing!

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

Eivør og Sebastian - et historisk møde

Det var i slutningen af Sebastians sæt på festivalen i Tønder. Og han havde netop fortalt om sit møde i 1989 med Astrid Lindgren som jo bl.a. resulterede i sangene til "Ronja Røverdatter". Han slog en akkord an og en stemme lød fra et andet sted i salen. Hårene rejste sig nok på de fleste da den unge færøske Eivør med sin smukke og dramatiske indlevelse langsomt skred op på scenen mens hun accapella sang sig ind i alles hjerter med "Ulvesangen" fra Ronja. Først på den sidste linje efter et helt vers faldt Sebastian ind med guitaren. Herefter fulgtes de ad i et ping-pong af eventyrlige sange resten af aftenen med både Eivør og Sebastian materiale. Et frugtbart musikalsk møde som gjorde et stærkt indtryk på publikum.

Jyllands-postens anmelder jublede og kaldte mødet for historisk og ønskede sig en permanent fortsættelse af duo-samarbejdet.

Både Eivør og Sebastian var utrolig glade for denne aften og vil gerne optræde sammen på scenen igen ved en senere lejlighed.


terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Audio: Án Þín (Trúbrot Cover, Live)

Lyrics (Icelandic):

Án Þín

Allt er svo eymdarlegt án þín hér.
Án þín ei sólin lengur skín hér.
Alein ég arka nið'ra'ð sjó,
því er þú fórst þá eitthvað í mér dó.
Ég horfi á hafið því að þú ert þar.
Ég hvísla nafn þitt en fæ ekkert svar.
Allt er svo eymdarlegt án þín hér,
komdu til mín, komdu til mín.

Þó allt sé eymdarlegt án þín hér,
allt breyttist, kæmir þú til mín hér.
Ó komdu' af sjónum komdu, komdu heim.
Mig langar þig að taka höndum tveim.
Ég horfi á hafið því að þú ert þar.
Ég hvísla nafn þitt en fæ ekkert svar.
Allt er svo eymdarlegt án þín hér,
komdu til mín, komdu til mín.

Thanks to gutte18 for sharing!

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

Video: Eivør's early career with Clickhaze live @ Prix Føroyar 2003

Thanks to odmarolsen for sharing.

Video: Eivør's early career with Clickhaze live @ Prix Føroyar 2001

Clickhaze winner performance at the national Faroese band contest Prix Føroyar in 2001

Thanks to odmarolsen for sharing!

Video: Eivør's early career with Clickhaze live @ Prix Fo í Miðvági

Thanks to Taderbaraeg for sharing!

Video: Eivør's early career with Clickhaze live @ Prix Føroyar 1999

As some of you might know, Eivør joined the rock band Clickhaze in 1999 and they were finalists in the Faroese contest Prix Føroyar in the same year. You can watch their performance at Prix Føroyar 1999 on the video below:

Thanks to odmarolsen for sharing!

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

Video: Documentary Power of Music - Muhu Future Music Festival JUU JÄÄB

This present documentary film "Power of Music - Muhu Future Music Festival jUU JÄÄB" was directed by Kalev Lepik & Villu Veski. Villu Veski is a great musician from Estonia and worked together with Eivør in a Folk/ Jazz project touring Estonia and Scandinavia. Eivør is featured in this documentary:

Færøerne live i København

Eivør – Stanley Samuelsen – Jens Marni Band - DJ Afrokid
Et storslået nordatlantisk indslag hvor Færøerne fejres med pompt og pragt. Vores egen Olavur er gået i spidsen for koncerten med fire af de allerstørste færøske kunstnere - og lur mig om ikke alt færøsk blod i København vil være at finde på Lions & Barrels denne aften.

Dørene åbner kl 20

Showtime 21

Prisen er 190 kr + gebyr

Køb billetter HER.


sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Sebastian & Eivør

Sunnudagin 18. mars kl. 16.00
Forvitnislig og sermerkt konsert við Sebastian og Eivør. Harumframt verður eisini dóttir Sebastian, Sara Grabow, gestasangari á konsertini.

Kostnaður kr. 250,-
Keyp atgongumerki

Sebastian hevur í mong ár verið ein av størstu tónleika-ikonunum í Danmark. Í eini 40 ár hevur hann verið við til at mynda danskan tónleik. Tá vit siga “Ronja Ránsmannadóttir” ella “Hodja fra Pjort” eru tað mong, ið rakna við. Hetta eru bert ein brotpartur av teimum mongu løgum og sangum, sum eru komin frá kønu hond og rødd Sebastianar.

Sebastian hevur í oktober 2011 givið út solo tvífløguna, “Øjeblikkets mester”. Har vísir hann á sannførandi hátt, at hann framvegis er í hæddini tónlistarliga, hóast gamal í garði innan tónleikin. Í løtuni er Sebastian á konsertferð í Danmark, nevnd “Trubadurens Øjeblik”, og í hesum sambandi leggur hann eisini leiðina til Føroya.

At uppliva Sebastian á palli, bert við guitari sínum, og ímillum løgini at hoyra hansara herligu anekdotir og humor um lívið og um sangirnar, er ein heilt serlig uppliving. Á hesari felags konsertini í Norðurlandahúsinum, saman við Eivør og Saru Grabow, fer Sebastian at framføra eina blanding av sínum klassisku løgum, umframt at nógv nýtt verður at hoyra frá seinastu fløgu hansara.

Eivør kenna vit øll. Einki er at taka seg aftur í, at hennara eyðkenda rødd er nakað serstakt, sum rørir okkum inn at hjartað.
Danir hava nakrar ferðir upplivað Sebastian og Eivør saman, men hettar upplivilsi eiga vit føroyingar til góða.

Sebastian hevur seinastu árini verið 2 ferðir áður í Føroyum, har tað tíverri ikki hevur borið til hjá Eivør at verið við.
Hesaferð eydnaðist tað so endiliga. Til stóra gleði bæði fyri Eivør og Sebastian og ikki minst hjá okkum føroyingum, sum nú fáa møguleikan at hoyra tey á palli saman.

Á konsertini fer Eivør at spæla nøkur løg sjálv, og vit sleppa eisini at hoyra nøkur løg av hennara nýggju fløgu, ið kemur út í august í ár. Men tað, vit serliga kunnu gleða okkum til, er at hoyra Eivør syngja saman við Sebastian. Her verður sameiningin fullkomin. Ein kombinatión av sermerktu melankolsku røddini hjá Sebastian og kláru himmalsku røddini hjá Eivør verður uttan iva nakað, sum fer at nema sansir okkara, og fer at taka okkum langt burtur í annan heim.

Sara Grabow (f. 1979) er dóttir Sebastian. Hon hevur útbúgving sum sangari frá Rytmisk Musikkonsertvatorium. Sara hevur seinnu árini saman við manni sínum Thomas Raae myndað bólkin “mitbandditband”. Sum yngri hevur hon onkuntíð verið kórgenta hjá pápa sínum, men hevur annars “staðið á egnum beinum”.
Sum dóttir Sebastian hevur hon gott í at bregða, og fer hon óivað at seta sín dám sum gestasangari á hesi konsertini.

Lagt er upp til eina intima og nærverandi konsert við nøkrum av fremstu tónlistafólkunum, sum Danmark og Føroyar hava fostrað.

Ein konsert út yvir tað vanliga, sum avgjørt er verd at uppliva.


segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Interview: Scan Magazine

Eivør has been interviewed for the Scan Magazine, a unique English-language showcase for Brand Scandinavia and appeals to all those who have a relationship with or a connection to Scandinavia – be it through family, business, tourism, migration or investment.

Scan Magazine is distributed through a number of Scandinavian hotspots in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, The United States and Scandinavian countries.

You can read the edition featuring Eivør by clicking HERE.

For further information on Scan Magazine, please visit SCANMAGAZINE.CO.UK


Little Monster: a story about a boy who learns to love his little sister

Eivør composed the music for the Icelandic poppet theatre entitled Little Monster that had its premiere on last 4th February.

The plot deals with the relationship between siblings in an intimate and interactive visual for children (4 - 7 years old), musical, puppet and shadow theatre performance for one actress. The aim is to use as few words as possible but let the music and the visual language lead us through the story.

Charlotte Böving, Denmark, director
Eivør Pálsdóttir, Faroe Islands, composer.
Helga Arnalds, Iceland, author, designer, actress.
Páll Guðmundsson, designer and maker of musical instruments

The “Little Monster” will be a solo performance played by Helga Arnalds who will invite the audience into a white paper-world. The paper will gradually come alive and transform into creatures that present the story. The main character is a boy who just got a little sister. The boy soon finds out that the little sister is not a real baby, but a monster who wants to eat his mother up - and perhaps his whole world. One day his parents have disappeared and the little monster sits smiling happily on the floor and burps loudly. The boy goes on a long journey to find help to get his parents back from his sisters stomach. A journey where he comes across the Dragon, the Ice Queen and the ever Weeping Woman. A journey that forces him to connect with his sister and in the end he has fallen in love with that little monster.
The story will be told with paper, shadows, music and the magic tricks of the theatre.

You can listen to two songs featured in Little Monster, "Hlusta nú" and "Skrímslið litla systir mín" by clicking HERE. (Quicktime player is required)


domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

Video: May It Be (DR festforestilling, Dronning i 40 år)

On 14th January, Eivør performed the song featuread on The Lord Of The Rings soundtrack, "May It Be", in a concert celebrating the 40 year regent anniversary of Queen Margrethe II in Denmark. The show was broadcasted directly on Danish Television DR1. The Queen Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid, Margrethe II of Denmark, is an accomplished painter, and has held many art shows over the years. Her illustrations—under the pseudonym Ingahild Grathmer—were used for the Danish edition of The Lord of the Rings published in 1977 and the re-issue in 2002.
The Kingdom of Denmark or the Danish Realm (Danmarks Rige), is a constitutional monarchy and sovereign state consisting of Denmark proper in northern Europe and two autonomous constituent countries, the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic and Greenland in North America.

Thanks to Beautifulmusicdk for sharing!